Balayage highlights with clay, really?

Balayage highlights with clay, really?

Balayage highlights with clay - This Green

Are you looking for an ethical hair color technique that works? Know much about balayage highlights? Find out more about how you can highlight hair with white clay using balayage.

What is balayage highlights with clay?

Balayage, a hair highlighting technique, was created back in the 1970’s. Balayage is a French word meaning ‘to sweep’ or ‘to paint’. More specifically, it’s a bleaching method. Balayage by This Green can lighten your hair color up to eight shades. The whole idea behind balayage highlights is to leave your hair color looking natural rather than actually colored.

What are the advantages of using balayage with white clay?

Opting for balayage highlights with fine white clay, also know as kaolin, is gentler on hair because the clay absorbs the hair color. Natural minerals in the clay protect your hair’s natural texture, strengthen the hair, promote growth, and prevent it from drying out. The result is beautiful, bouncy, easy-to-maintain hair. White kaolin clay is also suitable for those with sensitive skin.

The benefits of using natural ingredients in hair color

In addition to the kaolin fine white clay, This Green has chosen to add two other natural ingredients:

  • Silk proteins. Recognized and used by cosmetologists for their moisturizing, protective, and smoothing properties, silk proteins penetrate deep into hair cuticles improving strength.
  • Silica. This essential trace element is naturally present in the body. Silica levels tend to decrease with age. Adding silica in with clay helps prevent hair loss, improves elasticity and vitality of the hair.

Creating natural-looking highlights using greener ingredients such as clay not only protects the hair fiber but also leaves hair looking magnificent. We mix ancient remedies with a modern hair coloring technique to create incredible results, while takes nature into account.

Learn more about balayage highlights using kaolin white clay from This Green.

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