Natural dye for hair and its benefits

Natural dye for hair and its benefits

Natural dye for hair has many benefits

What is natural hair dye and who can use it? Here’s a short description on why it’s suitable for just about everyone and how it can be used to achieve numerous possibilities.

Natural dye for everyone

One of the biggest advantages of natural hair dye for hair is that everyone can use it. That includes groups that are typically excluded when it comes to traditional hair dye. For people receiving chemotherapy, for example, natural dye makes an interesting alternative. As a result of chemotherapy, their hair has become very weak and fragile. If they were to color their hair with traditional hair dye, it would be damaged even further. Natural hair dye, on the other hand, has no side effects. On the contrary: it forms a protective layer around the hair. This allows the hair fiber to repair and regenerate.

People suffering from allergies can also benefit from natural hair dye. Especially if they’re allergic to ingredients that are often used in traditional hair dye, such as PPD, ammonia, resorcinol… This is because natural dye for hair is solely made up of plants and water. It is therefore completely natural and has no added ingredients.

Given that it’s completely natural, women who are pregnant or women who are breastfeeding can also use natural dye for hair. It poses no health risk to mother or baby.

Endless possibilities

Natural hair dye offers many possibilities. It can be used to achieve various tones, ranging from light and modern tones to dark and intense tones. There are also various reflects to choose from: an intense golden reflect, a copper reflect… It’s important to highlight that the possibilities of natural hair dye are also possible with gray hair. We even guarantee complete coverage. Natural dye is therefore used to color your hair a uniform color. Would you rather have highlights? This can also be achieved naturally. In that case, the hairdresser will play around with the transparency effect, which will create different color tones. The possibilities are endless, so the choice is up to you.

Learn more about working with natural hair dye.


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