Organic shampoo, a product of nature

Organic shampoo, a product of nature

organic shampoo, organic hair care from This Green

Personal values guide our everyday choices and actions. Here at This Green, we also have values and principles that make our brand unique. We want to offer a range of hair care products that respect people, animal welfare, and nature. Our organic shampoo is an example…

Organic hair care, what does that mean?

Before we delve into the details about organic hair care, it’s important to define the word “organic.”
Organic: free from genetically modified (GM) components, artificial fertilizers and pesticides. The definition can vary depending on the product in question. For organic hair care it means producing a product that consists solely of natural, raw materials, and ingredients – nothing added.

In keeping with our values, This Green’s organic shampoo is made from the very best, natural, plant-based organic ingredients. This green-goodness-in-a-bottle comes from traditional farming and processing techniques to produce a high-end quality hair product. Take a look at the ingredient list filled with all the richness mother nature has to offer.

Organic shampoo with ethical principles and values

Our company is based on 4 fundamental values: quality, authenticity, sustainability, and ethics. Our entire range of hair care products, including our organic shampoo, comply with these principles. We attach great importance to these values as they both lead and strengthen us.

Ecogarantie, has given This Green the ‘certified organic’ stamp of approval. Ecogarantie is one of the leading certification quality labels in Europe. They have independently checked and approved our product line and confirm that This Green wholeheartedly maintains ethical principles and values.

Our natural organic shampoo

Our organic Color Protection shampoo embodies the wholesomeness of nature. Made with pure soap nuts, and enriched with essential oils of mild oranges and bergamot, this product penetrates deep into hair fibers. It gently, yet effectively, cleans hair making it soft and beautiful. This Green’s organic Color Protection shampoo, bursting with herbal extracts, is a fantastic, natural alternative to enhance your hair’s shine and color.

Organic hair care comes with many extremely effective benefits, and This Green encourages farmers to make the move to organic agricultural processing methods. If a new, healthy lifestyle is the future for everyone, why not accept this gift from nature?

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