Is it possible to cover grey hair naturally?

Is it possible to cover grey hair naturally?

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Finding your first grey hair can be an emotional experience. And while some people accept this natural occurrence, others begin the quest for a camouflage. If you are in the latter category, then we have good news: cover your grey hair naturally with our nourishing plant-based dye!

Canities: greying of hair

Simply put, the term “Canities” refers to the greying of hair. Greying occurs when the hair follicles (melanocytes) lose their ability to produce pigment (melanin). As the body begins to age, new hair regrowth has less melanin resulting in grey (or white) hair.

Hair plays a significant role in one’s physical appearance and self-confidence. And so fo those of you who want to delay the signs of aging without damaging your hair, we offer a solution: This Green’s conditioning natural hair dye.

How to cover grey hair naturally?

For many, greying starts to occur in the mid-30s; however, genetics and lifestyle can play a role. Whatever the reason, if you’re not quite ready to go-grey, you may be seeking a cover up, or if you are currently dyeing your hair, looking to switch. Hair maintenance can become expensive, inconvenient, and hair dyeing on a regular-basis with conventional products can leave hair dry, brittle, and fragile.

Mainstream hair dyes contain synthetic chemicals which can damage your mane. So how do you maintain beautiful, glossy hair color? Go back to the basics: switch to a more natural hair care solution.

Cover grey hair naturally with a gentle, organic plant-based hair dye. Natural hair dyes can offer 100% grey hair cover up, nourish hair, and penetrate deep into the hair fiber. Natural ingredients help retain moisture and proteins which can be lost when using conventional dyes. What’s more, covering grey hair naturally is much more effective. A natural dye has conditioning agents which soften the cuticles, allowing for better color penetration.

Natural color for grey hair

Getting your hair colored with natural dyes is a completely different experience. If you suffer from scalp irritation, the lack of chemicals in these natural dyes relieve your weary scalp. Furthermore, natural plant-dyes emit no harsh or overwhelming odors associated with traditional dyes. So, you get all the color coverage of a commercial dye while protecting the proteins and oils in your hair. If you cover your grey hair naturally, it’s also a way of replenishing the hair’s natural pigment while strengthening your overall structure and texture.

Greying is a natural part of life. But what’s important is making the right choice for you – and that starts with the right hair dye. Discover the power of This Green’s natural range of hair care products.

With so many health benefits associated with natural dyes, cover grey hair naturally and take advantage of nature’s generosity.

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